Wednesday 6 April 2011

sweet revenge

I should have listened to his friends when they told me not to get involved with him, but I was young and stupid, and the bad boy seemed appealing. We had a casual thing going for a short time; when I say casual, it was all on his terms, he was the one who wanted casual. He revealed very little of himself; I thought he was dark and mysterious, but it turns out that he was just a lying, cheating, self-absorbed wanker!

When I tried to get a little more serious, he shut me down, ignored me, didn't call. I assumed that it was over. He had never given me an explanation, so I had no understanding of what had gone wrong. I discovered later that he actually had a pregnant girlfriend, and unbeknown to me, I was the 'other woman!'

We used to frequent some of the same clubs and pubs, so even after being dumped I would still occassionally see him (and ignore him) across a dimly lit room. Every time I saw him, he would ask for his 'things' back, (over the course of our 'courtship' he had left quite a few clothes at my place). One particular evening before going out with my friends, I put his clothes, all his custom t-shirts, in the boot of my car; I had every intention of giving them back to him if/when I saw him later. Sure enough there he was in all his arrogant unglory, and sure enough, he looked at me and grunted something in my general direction about me returning his clothes. I walked out to the carpark, took his clothes out of my car, and put them in a pile on the ground. My best friend and I laughed and cried as we set a match to his precious possessions and watched them go up in flames! We waited until they were a mere mound of ashes, which I then collected in a glass jar. Taking the jar inside the pub with me, I spied him standing at the bar with all his friends gathered around. I walked over to him, slammed the jar full of ashes down on the bar in front of him and exclaimed "There's your fucking clothes!!!" Needless to say he was stuck for a quick comeback. I turned and walked away as his friends, struggling to hide their amusement, roared with laughter!


  1. lol! he deserved that! i cnt stand arrogant guys.
    i was attracted to the so called "bad boys" when i was much younger like "13yrs" old lol..but now all i want is a gentleman that cn steal my heart and propose to me when i'm like in my mid twenties :p
    Nice blog!!

  2. yeah, he totally did! lol, i hope you do find that man you looking for. xoxo
